It sounds that Healthy Mum Program (HMP) ‘s beneficiaries are Striving to fight against the hunger after initiating the Bye Bye Corona as the project supported by Embrace Rwanda through vegetables farming for fighting against hunger caused by corona virus disease(Covid 19). It was initiated subsequently to the reopening of services from the quarantine period where beneficiaries questioned about their living condition and what they can do for that. The project came up with the solution of cultivating their capacities in vegetables farming through the financial support provided by Embrace Rwanda.

Due to the mobilization done by Embrace Rwanda field work team, mums in their associations of 30 members to each HMP center were encouraged to form the small groups of 5 or 6 of neighboring mums and try to join their land near by the valley and make it bigger so that they may start vegetables farming from their choice. However, mums are driving to the summer period, they do cultivate nearby water in order to easy watering. Their contributions are to prepare land and carry the manure used in planting and any other follow up after the financial support for seeds.

Embrace Rwanda also provided a pig to each family to complement the manure from the chickens provided also by Embrace Rwanda in order to facilitate them to get enough manure which is really very important in this activity of vegetables farming, mums carry the manure from their home to down the valley where the land is located. From their testimonies they mentioned that pigs and chicken’s manure is very important for fertilizing their land and it brings a hope for the biggest harvest. It is their first time to start farming for the summer season but through the mobilization made they are now willing and motivated to work with all their possible efforts. However they did not believe that they can achieve on vegetables cultivation they are now celebrating that very soon they will be able to harvest their own vegetables without spending money for that and even making a lot of money while selling them at the markets which will be a good opportunity for them especially that during the dry season the vegetables are rare and more expensive.

The planted seed are growing better because of the manure and mums are preparing their land to replant the cabbages, the group representatives and Mother leaders are working closely to support the community in their respective centers in order to achieve on their roles in the association towards the best performance. Twice a week mums meet in their small group to cultivate and talk about how this activity can be more fruitful and they are very appreciating to the care gotten from Embrace Rwanda field work team. Mums are proud of being supported by Embrace Rwanda.

Healthy Mum Program beneficiaries are encouraged in working together as team and different changes are observed for their good life, not only being encouraged but also they are giving promises that they will greatly benefit from the support got so that they are going to become role models in vegetables cultivation regardless the season wherever in their home villages. They will also bring the product from their activities to the market in order to share with other neighboring area and get money.
We are very thankful for everyone who contributed for this inspiring project to support our beneficiaries for transforming their life and it brings hope that there will be a well-developed family in the future.
Done at Kigali, 16th June 2020
GAKUBA Francis
ERIS Country Director