Today, in Rwanda like all over the World people are facing the bad effects of COVID 19 which has mainly affected socio economic lives of people. However, even though these effects are destroying the lives of each and every one in Rwanda, it is not the same case for everybody depending upon what he used to do as occupation in his everyday life before the pandemic came to the World especially for ones who live where there are found positive cases and consequently are put in lockdown for the second round. However, to avoid the economic problems in the whole country, the government of Rwanda has now adopted the strategies of not putting again the whole country in lockdown due to COVID 19 as it was the case in March to May, but rather only does that for the region where positive cases are found. This was applied to Kigeme and Ruhurura regions where HMP beneficiaries live. EMBRACE RWANDA, after hearing the bad news from Nyamagabe M&E Field Officer that Twa people and their mates are suffering again from hunger cause of lockdown it decided to support them with basic food which was distributed to them on.
Ruhurura HMP beneficiaries did not believe that they can find food to appease their starvation but finally on Monday 27th July 2020 EMBRACE RWANDA has sent Nyamagabe M&E Field Officer to Ruhurura to collaborate with Kibirizi Executive Secretary in the distribution of the support of basic food they provided. Besides, Speciose and Francoise families from Kigeme were given food at that center as they also are Hilary beneficiaries and they told me that they will always request God to bless EMBRACE RWANDA. Mums from the association used to do small business in the evening, other were carrying sand and stones for others to build houses, but now as they are in the second lockdown they are not able to do the same daily activities. That is why they are proud of having EMBRACE RWANDA as their parent who always think about them and even feed them in the period of great hunger due to COVID 19. They are happy that EMBRACE RWANDA has supported them in the period when they were hopeless to live.
Before the distribution of basic food, Nyamagabe M&E Field Officer and Kibirizi Executive Secretary took their time advising the beneficiaries to be obedient especially following the government rules and regulations regarding prevention and fighting against Corona virus.They have to adopt the habit of wearing masks and wash their hands avoid to hug since these the main ways of contaminating the pandemic. They also remind them to be always thankful to EMBRACE RWANDA that has chosen to support them among the others.

My name is DUSENGIMANA Agathe. A Mother Leader of Ruhurura HMP association. I am proud of leading this association and help each other in the process of mindset change, healing and socio-development. I am also very happy to receive the support from EMBRACE RWANDA and I am ready to keep on encouraging my colleagues to work hard to avoid deceiving our donors. I also indebted from EMBRACE RWANDA because today it gives us again a support of food in the period of second lockdown which is very helpful to our families. We shall always pray for EMBRACE RWANDA to be blessed in everything they do. I cannot forget to express my gratitude to EMBRACE RWANDA Field Officer, our Facilitator Clementine and Local Government Leaders who are collaborating well for our benefit.

My name is MUKASHEMA Clementine. A Facilitator working with Ruhurura HMP beneficiaries. I am proud of working with this association and help them to change their mindset in everyday life. I am motivated to see that I can be helpful to them in the journey of changing their mindset and I hope that much miracles will be done with EMBRACE RWANDA.I am thankful to EMBRACE RWANDA to also provide me food since it is not easy for everybody here to find food.

I am KARANGWA Boniface, Kibirizi Sector Executive Secretary. I appreciate what EMBRACE RWANDA is doing with Ruhurura community by promoting the spirit of investing in agriculture as one of the quick ways of avoiding poverty in rural community. Not only I appreciate this support for providing them the food in the period of lockdown but also the way they contribute in Promotion of Initiative for Self Employment by giving some of the beneficiaries the capital injection for doing small business and help association in agriculture for socio-economic purposes. Even though I am new in this Sector but I heard a lot about how EMBRACE RWANDA is working closely with Kibirizi Sector through different ways and I am grateful for them.
Finally, the mums from Ruhurura are grateful to EMBRACE RWANDA for creating a HMP association as a weapon to improve their life style from bad condition to the best and give them different supports as a parent do for his children.
Done at Nyamagabe, on 29th July 2020
EMBRACE RWANDA Nyamagabe M&E Field Officer